Here is the latest NHS Calendar of Events for August through October 2023. Make sure to check back for the latest happenings at the Society. […]
The Nevada Historical Society is proud to present its 2023 Artown Talks and Tours schedule. Join us every Saturday in July for a FREE event!
Nevada’s history is rich with characters, legends, and lore. Hear the stories how Nevada and Reno came to be with five great short history talks. Then pick up a camera […]

Bring any camera – phone, point & shoot, DSLR, mirrorless, or film camera – and enjoy Mark’s clinic on developing your creative eye for capturing evocative photographs outside. The first half of the talk takes place in the presentation room where Mark will illustrate with his own award-winning photography. The 2nd half of the […]

The tale begins around the turn of the 20th Century with a sheepherder discovering a vein of gold-bearing quartz near the mouth of Becker Canyon in the Shoshone Range. Marking his vein by sticking a pick in the crotch of a tree with the handle pointing toward the site, the sheepherder hurried off to […]

Beginning in the mid-1800s, the Truckee Meadows was a “passing through” place. People heading to the California Gold Rush, coming to Washoe for the discovery of Silver, first by horseback and covered wagons, then freight wagons, and by 1868 the railroad arrived. The arrival of the automobile in early 1900 required navigable roads. By […]

Arthur Chester Langan: Miner, polar explorer, film maker, and casino operator was born in Deadwood, South Dakota in the 1870s, his interests and career took him throughout the West, from the arctic to South America, to Europe, and ultimately to Reno. Learn about his various business ventures, his globetrotting adventures, and see images from […]

In 1931 gaming was legalized in Nevada, and it made Reno and all of Nevada different from the other states. With this new entertainment, everyone rushed to Nevada to gamble. This coincides with the beginning of the Great Depression and the new loose divorce law which lowered residence requirements to six weeks. People flocked […]

Several of the divorce seekers who came to Reno to “take the cure,” remarried and made Nevada their permanent home. Although it sounds like myth and urban legend, but marriages between society ladies and cowboys or other locals were renowned. This presentation will introduce you to three such divorcees who made an indelible mark […]